Release Note - Oct 2021
A quick overview of enhancements made in Oct 2021.
Property Management Name length
We fixed a minor bug on our Property Management page. For those not familiar with the Main Menu > Tools > Property Management, this modal allows your team to merge, delete, or create new properties within your Sonar Account. In some cases, the property name is longer than the column would allow. It made it terribly hard for users to read and know what the property name actually was. We have added a hover over state so you can see the entire property name

Hover over long property name in Property Management modal
New Ping Widget Page
We have been updating our styling throughout the application. In doing so we have created some new pages for our features in the application. The most recent one is our Ping Widget. The Ping Widget is a script developers teams can imbed on their webpage to allow a text us option when someone visits their pages on a mobile device. This is a great way to start a conversation with people who are already browsing on their mobile devices. The new page can be found -
Message Input for extremely long composed messages
We had a minor inconvenience when composing messages. Historically our message input would keep growing as you typed a message out to send to a contact. We wanted to update that experience so people would have an experience similar to typing messages on their phone. Now the input doesn't grow but we provide a scrolling option so people can scroll to read the message they are about to send to a contact.
Tag modal is alphabetical
We have updated a small problem where Tags were not listed alphabetically but more random in nature. Now the tag modal will show all of your message tags in alphabetical order.
Terms of Service Link in Sonar Dashboard
For those accounts who have signed up through our self-service flow, we added a direct link to our Terms of Service from the Main Menu within the Sonar Dashboard. This should allow you to review those at any time you choose.
Submitting modals clear inputs
We had a minor bug where a user would create an item within the dashboard and the next time they went back to create another record, the modal would have prepopulated information into those inputs. We have resolved this so any modal that creates a new record the next time you open the modal you are presented with blank inputs so you can easily create the next record.
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