Release Note - Nov 2021
A quick overview of enhancements made in Nov 2021.
Using Tab when Editing a Customer Record
We fixed a minor bug that occurred when trying to edit a customer's information. For those not familiar when you are looking at a thread within the Sonar Dashboard, the right-hand side has some information about the person you are communicating with. You can edit/update that information by clicking the 'edit' option in the top right-hand corner of the customer information. We resolved a bug that would prevent people from using the Tab on their keyboard to move between inputs to make updates.

Example 'Edit Customer' modal
Update message timestamp on hover
We had a minor bug that when you hovered over a given message in a thread, the timestamp of that message would not appear. We have since resolved this issue.
Filtering by teams
We had a major bug that when you filter by a team from the inbox (left-hand panel of the dashboard) your entire inbox and threads would go blank. We have since resolved that so teams should be able to filter by whatever metric criteria
Message Status Updates
When messages fail we present information about what type of error occurred. You can learn more about those errors on another document page:
We had a minor error where when clicking to find more details we weren't actually providing more details. That has been resolved to now show the error code again.
Blank Salesforce iFrame
We had some reports from customers that the iframe within Salesforce was broken or blank. We resolved this issue and our Salesforce iFrame should be functioning like normal
Remove Custom Reports
We removed a few pieces of our new Custom Reports dashboard. We learned a few things from our early access users and want to bring things back to the drawing board before releasing them again.
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