CSV Import
There are a few ways to get your customers into Sonar. One of the easiest ways is to import customers using a CSV file.
Prepare Your CSV for Import
The first thing you need to do is prepare your CSV file to look like the screenshot below. The first column should be the Phone Number of the customer you're importing. Followed in order by First Name, Last Name, Email, and Assigned To. After that, you can add any number of properties you want, with any values. CSV files should be saved using UTF-8 encoding.

CSV Example
Unique Identifier
The first column of the CSV file must be the Phone Number of the customer you're adding to our system.
There's a special column called Delete that will delete a customer by their Phone Number when our importer sees the value **DELETE** for the column Delete.
Deleting Properties
To delete a property on a customer, put **DELETE** in the cell of the property you want to delete for the relevant customer. Please note that **DELETE** only works on non-reserved columns.
How To Upload Your CSV
- Using the menu located in the top left, navigate to Customers
- Click Import Customers in the top right of the modal that pops up.
- This will open up a new tab that will allow you to choose your CSV file.
- Click *Choose File** to select your CSV file.
- You should seen your file name next to the Choose File button.
- Click Import Customers
- A message will appear letting you know your import has started.
- Close the tab or simply click Back to the app in the top right.
Please note that the import might not be instantaneous, as it's placed in a queue and will be processed as soon as possible. In most cases it doesn't take very long, but if you are uploading a fairly large amount of customers, this could take minutes.
After Import
After the import is completed, you'll receive an email showing how many customers were successfully imported and how many failed.
You can download the Customer Import template below.
Why did my upload fail?
If your upload failed, double check that the information is formatted correctly as seen in the example above and that it is in the correct columns. If you are still experiencing problems, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll take a look.
Do I need to add the '+1' to my US phone number?
The +1 is not necessary as the uploader will read 10 digit numbers as a US phone number and add it automatically. If you are not adding a US phone number, the country code is required.
Why haven't I received an email letting me know my upload is complete?
Depending on the number of contacts you are trying to upload this process can take seconds to a few minutes to complete and send the email. Make sure to check your spam folder for the notification email as well; sometimes it can end up in there.
Can I use the CSV Import tool to unsubscribe a customer or multiple customers?
Yes! You can unsubscribe your customers with the CSV Import tool by adding a column to your CSV titled "Subscribed" and then placing the word "False" in that column next to the customers you want to unsubscribe. This will keep your customer's phone number and any message history but prevent Sonar from sending them messages.
Can I use the CSV Import tool to delete a customer or multiple customers?
Yes! There's a special column called Delete that will delete a customer by their Phone Number when our importer sees the value **DELETE** for the column "Delete". When you delete customers, you will be removing them as a customer in your Sonar account. Any message data associated with those customers will be deleted as well. It will be as if they never existed in your Sonar account.
Updated over 1 year ago