Release Note 2016.09.02
If you're in logged into Sonar, please refresh your page to see the below updates and fixes.
Customer Information
- Add new customer information more quickly with the help of the handy "Tab" key!

- Edit customer properties more quickly by just clicking into the property you're looking to edit. (We'll work to improve this further in the next few weeks.)

- We no longer show your customer's full name in CAPS LOCK. Some of your work flows involved copying customer names into other tools fairly frequently and having the name in the right format will hopefully make that a bit easier.

- Updated our Webhooks modal and documentation as there were a few toyps (er...typos) and provided code samples of the results from the webhook.
Alerts and Error Messages
- We now show you an error message if you try to add an invalid property (if you repeat the same property name or try to add one with a blank value)
- Updated our alerts to be better-looking modals. For example, the confirmation alert when deleting a property.

Bug Fixes
Vacation Status
- When your team member is away we showed "zzz's" coming out of their Avatar, however, it seems we missed the avatar on the top right. So we fixed the bug, and an unavailable team member will now have "zzz's" on all of their avatars, even the one next to "ASSIGNED TO" on the top right.

Other Fixes
- Sometimes, folks would try to import customers while they were logged out and get an unclear error message. We now nudge you to log in before you even try to import customers.
- If you had downgraded to our Lite plan, your away messages would still be sent, but you could no longer edit them. Now, we stop sending the away messages when you've downgraded to the Lite plan.
- Fixed issue where our system did not know how to handle receiving messages from our provider, where "null" was the body of the message. This fix helps us make sure we pass all your messages to you.
- Fixed issue where we were miscalculating the message segment count based on the long link vs. the short link, which defeated purpose of link shortening. This is now fixed.
Updated less than a minute ago