
This API is allows developers to create and define permissions for a new role in a specific Sonar account. Your account must have custom roles and permissions enabled in order to use this API. See custom roles and permissions for more detail regarding Sonar's roles-based access control (RBAC) functionality.

The role id returned by this API can be used to specify a new user's role when requesting POST Invite New User. A list of existing roles can be retrieved by requesting GET Account Roles

Available permissions

The following is a list of the permissions that can be assigned to a new role and includes the string values that can be included in the permissions_id array in the request body.

Permission Name in UIString for APIPermission Details
Section: Company
Title: Manage Roles & Permissions
"Company:manage_roles"Ability to create, read, update, and delete roles & permissions within a given account
Section: Company
Title: Manage Team Members
"Company:manage_users"Ability to activate or deactivate a user within the Team Members page
Section: Company
Title: Invite Users to Sonar
"Company:invite_users"Ability to send new user invitation, revoke invitations, and resend an invitation
Section: Company
Title: Manage Billing
"Company:manage_billing"Ability to view Settings > 'Billing Information' page, edit billing settings, and update credit card information (if applicable).
Section: Company
Title: Manage Basic Settings
"Company:manage_basic_settings"Ability to manage Account wide settings such as name, timezone, etc.
Section: Company
Title: Set Call Forwarding Number
"Company:set_call_forwarding"Ability to update an Account's default call forwarding number
Section: Company
Title: Manage Custom Webhooks
"Company:manage_custom_webhooks"Ability to create, read, update, and delete a webhook setting
Section: Company
Title: Manage Tokens & Keys
"Company:manage_tokens"Ability to roll account tokens and publishable key used in API requests and integrations
Section: Company
Title: Manage Number Settings
"Company:manage_number_settings"Ability to update number preferences for which area code the system uses to provision numbers
Section: Company
Title: Set URL Shortening Settings
"Company:set_url_shortening_settings"Ability to update the company setting to shorten URLs on API and Campaign messages
Section: Company
Title: Manage Properties
"Company:manage_properties"Ability to merge, delete, and create new properties via the 'Property Manager' under the Tools section
Section: Company
Title: Manage Slack Integration
"Company:manage_slack_integration"Ability to enable or disable a slack integration for the account
Section: Company
Title: Manage Calendly Integration
"Company:manage_calendly_integration"Ability to enable or disable the account's Calendly integration
Section: Company
Title: Manage Tags
"Company:manage_tags"Ability to create, update, or delete message tags
Section: Company
Title: CSV Import Customers
"Company:import_customers"Ability to import new customers into the Sonar system via CSV
Section: Company
Title: Export Customers & Messages
"Company:export_customer_messages"Ability to export message and customer data from the ystem
Section: Company
Title: Manage Timezones
"Company:manage_timezone"Ability to update the companies timezone
Section: Company
Title: Manage Facebook Messenger
"Company:manage_fb_messenger"Ability to enable or disable the Facebook Messenger integration
Section: Company
Title: View All & New Threads
"Company:view_all_and_new_threads"When enabled these users are able to see the 'Unassigned', Assigned to Me, and All columns. When disabled a user only sees the 'Assigned to Me' option.
Section: Company
Title: Ability to Search
"Company:search_threads"Ability to search within the dashboard using phone numbers, names, emails, or properties
Section: Company
Title: View Customer Management List
"Company:view_customer_list"Ability to view the Customer modal from the navigation panel
Section: Company
Title: Manage Timezone Compliance Settings
"Company:manage_timezone_compliance_settings"Ability to update Intelligent Timezone Compliance found in the Settings section
Section: Company
Title: Manage Outbound Call Settings
"Company:manage_outbound_call_settings"Ability to manage any outbound call settings
Section: Company
Title: Manage Inbound Call Settings
"Company:manage_inbound_call_settings"Ability to manage any inbound call settings
Section: Company
Title: View Custom Reports
"Company:view_custom_reports"Ability to View Custom Reports in the Tools section of the navigation panel
Section: Company
Title: Manage Zendesk Integration
"Company:manage_zendesk_integration"Ability enable or disable a Zendesk integration
Section: Customer
Title: Edit Name & Email
"Customer:edit_name_email"Ability to update a Customer/Contact's Name & Email
Section: Customer
Title: Edit Phone Number
"Customer:edit_phone"Ability to edit a Customer/Contact's phone number
Section: Customer
Title: Edit Timezone
"Customer:edit_timezone"Ability to edit a Customer/Contact's timezone
Section: Customer
Title: Edit Zip Code
"Customer:edit_zipcode"Ability to edit a Customer/Contact's zip code
Section: Customer
Title: Create New Properties
"Customer:create_properties"Ability to add a new property to a Customer/Contact's
Section: Customer
Title: Edit Properties
"Customer:edit_properties"Ability to edit a new property on a Customer/Contact's
Section: Customer
Title: Delete Properties
"Customer:delete_properties"Ability to delete a new property from a Customer/Contact's
Section: Customer
Title: Subscribe and Unsubscribe
"Customer:manage_subscriptions"Ability to update a Customer/Contact's SMS subscription. AKA their ability to receive messages
Section: Customer
Title: Manually add to Campaign
"Customer:manually_add_to_campaign"Ability to add a Customer/Contact's to a Sonar Campaign
Section: Customer
Title: Manually add to Follow-Up
"Customer:manually_add_to_followup"Ability to add a Customer/Contact's to a Sonar Follow-up Sequence
Section: Customer
Title: Edit Contact Photo
"Customer:edit_contact_photo"Ability to edit a Customer/Contact's photo
Section: Customer
Title: Manually Add Customer
"Customer:add_customer"Ability to add a new Customer/Contact's to the Sonar System
Section: Customer
Title: Delete Customer
"Customer:delete_customer"Ability to delete a Customer/Contact's to the Sonar System
Section: Customer
Title: Block Customer
"Customer:block_customer"Ability to Block a Customer/Contact's so users no longer see messages FROM this Customer/Contact
Section: Customer
Title: Unblock Customer
"Customer:unblock_customer"Ability to Unblock a Customer/Contact's to the Sonar System
Section: Customer
Title: Call Customer
"Customer:call_customer"Ability to Call a Customer/Contact's using our outbound calling functionality
Section: Message
Title: Manually Send Message
"Message:send_message"Ability to send an SMS message to a Customer/Contact's
Section: Message
Title: Close Thread
"Message:close_thread"Ability to close a Customer/Contact's conversation thread
Section: Message
Title: Snooze Thread
"Message:snooze_thread"Ability to snooze a Customer/Contact's conversation thread. Selecting a time and date in the future when it should pop back up in the system inboxes
Section: Message
Title: Use Canned Responses
"Message:use_canned_responses"Ability to use a Sonar Canned Response AKA templated message
Section: Message
Title: Use Attachments
"Message:use_attachments"Ability to attach images or other media types to a message
Section: Message
Title: Use Emojis
"Message:use_emojis"Ability to use emojis when crafting a message
Section: Message
Title: Assign Threads
"Message:assign_threads"Ability to assign a customer to another member of your team
Section: Message
Title: Add or Remove Tags
"Message:add_and_remove_tags"Ability to add or remove tags from each message item
Section: Canned Response
Title: Create Canned Response
"CannedResponse:create"Ability to create new Canned Responses AKA templated message
Section: Canned Response
Title: Edit Canned Response
"CannedResponse:update"Ability to update a Canned Responses AKA templated message
Section: Canned Response
Title: Delete Canned Response
"CannedResponse:destroy"Ability to delete a Canned Responses AKA templated message
Section: Canned Response
Title: Share Canned Response
"CannedResponse:share"Ability to share a Canned Responses across the entire Sonar Account
Section: Follow-Up Strategy
Title: Create Follow-Up
"FollowUpStrategy:create"Ability to create new Follow-Up Strategies
Section: Follow-Up Strategy
Title: Clone Follow-Up
"FollowUpStrategy:clone"Ability to clone an existing Follow-Up Strategies to make updates and create a new strategy
Section: Follow-Up Strategy
Title: Review Follow-Up Results
"FollowUpStrategy:review_results"Ability to view the analytics on a specific Follow-Up Sequence
Section: Follow-Up Strategy
Title: Delete Follow-Up
"FollowUpStrategy:destroy"Ability to delete a specific Follow-Up Sequence
Section: Campaign
Title: Manage Campaign
"Campaign:manage"Ability to view all Sonar Campaigns
Section: Campaign
Title: Create Campaign
"Campaign:create"Ability to create new Sonar Campaigns
Section: Campaign
Title: Edit Campaign
"Campaign:edit"Ability to edit an existing Sonar Campaign
Section: Campaign
Title: Delete Campaign
"Campaign:delete"Ability to delete a Sonar Campaign
Section: Campaign
Title: Review Results
"Campaign:review_results"Ability to view the analytics on a Sonar Campaign
Section: Campaign
Title: Send Campaign to Multiple Contacts
"Campaign:send_mass_campaign"Ability to select a new customer segment to send an existing Sonar Campaign Message to
Section: Campaign
Title: Attach Follow-up
"Campaign:attach_follow_up"Ability to assign Follow-Up sequences when editing or creating a Sonar Campaign
Section: Scheduled Action
Title: Cancel Scheduled Action
"ScheduledAction:delete"Ability to delete a Sonar Scheduled Action AKA future messages or automation that are scheduled in the future
Section: Scheduled Action
Title: Execute Scheduled Action Immediately
"ScheduledAction:execute_now"Ability to execute a Sonar Scheduled Action with the click of a button vs waiting for the scheduled time in the future
Section: Away Message
Title: Manage Company Away Message
"AwayMessage:manage_company_away_message"Ability to adjust the Sonar Company away messages
Section: Away Message
Title: Manage User's Own Away Message
"AwayMessage:manage_own_away_message"Ability to adjust an away message as a specific user
Section: Analytics
Title: Generate Follow-Up Analytics Report
"Analytics:generate_follow_up_analytics_report"Ability to generate a CSV report for Follow-Up Analytics
Section: Analytics
Title: Access Analytics Dashboard
"Analytics:access_analytics_dashboard"Ability to access the generic Analytics Dashboard